Five Tips To Help You Declutter

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when it comes to decluttering your home? Let’s face it – clutter can sneak up on us, piling up and taking over before we know what hit us! If organizing your space seems like an impossible task, don’t panic. With these five tips for decluttering your home, you can make the process simple and stress-free. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and get ready to start tidying up – it’s time to conquer that clutter!

Schedule the things you want to accomplish

I bet most of the things you want to accomplish won’t take that long, it’s the getting started part that stops you from doing it. Make a point to schedule time out for decluttering. Even a 15 minutes session can do wonders for your space and your motivation level.

Try NOT to multitask

This might seem counterproductive but there have been quite a few studies on multitasking and the results aren’t great. When you aren’t focusing all of your attention on one item, it takes you longer to finish and the quality of the task suffers. Grab three boxes: one for donation, one for recycling, and one for items that don’t belong in that room but you still want to keep. When you leave the area you are decluttering, you can easily get distracted by other tasks and projects. The box system eliminates this risk. 

Take before and after pictures

Seeing the results can have a positive influence on your motivation. The novelty begins to wear off and after a few weeks or even days, you might begin to forget what something looked like before. Looking at before and after pictures can remind us of what we’ve accomplished. 

Watch Inspirational YouTube

I love putting on a declutter-with-me video or a room makeover video for inspiration. I don’t usually pay close attention but it helps to remind me what I’m striving for and that’s progress! 

Talk to people who inspire you or have similar goals

These types of people can help to motivate you! Consider setting up a declutter challenge or send pictures of your progress to one another. Even sharing articles or other forms of inspiration can really lite a fire and help keep us committed. 


We all know that person who is always spouting off about how great it is to declutter and how much stuff they got rid of. And while we may roll our eyes, the fact is that they’re on to something. Studies have shown that decluttering can lead to improved productivity, decreased stress levels, and a boost in overall happiness. So if you’ve been struggling with staying motivated to declutter your home or office, consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member. Setting up a challenge where you commit to getting rid of a certain number of items per week or month can be helpful in keeping you accountable. And don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way! Sending each other pictures of your progress or sharing articles and tips on decluttering can really help keep the fire lit and motivate you both to continue working toward your goal. Do you have any go-to methods for staying motivated when it comes to decluttering? Let us know in the comments below!

Don’t forget to check out the decluttering series for more tips and motivation!

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