Tackle clutter in the bathroom with this declutter post

Decluttering Series: Bathroom

The bathroom seems to be a place where unwanted items tend to pile up and this is an area we tend to neglect when it comes to the decluttering routine. Let’s face it, bathrooms usually aren’t very spacious. Almost empty shampoo bottles, expired medication, and makeup you don’t use anymore tend to find a permanent home in your cabinets, taking up valuable real estate. So grab a trash bag and head to the bathroom!

If your linen closet or storage is located outside of the bathroom, make sure you lump that into this week’s declutter focus. 

Almost Empty Containers

You saved it because “you might run out and need it one day.” Well, I’m here to tell you that’s probably not going to happen. Throw it out. If you want to get frugal and you have another bottle of the same shampoo, combine it. I’m guessing you switched it out for a new bottle because it was a pain in the butt to get the remaining bit out. Is it worth keeping? In this case, the space it takes up is worth more than the small amount that’s left. 

Expired Medication

Check the dates on all medicine. If it’s expired, dispose of it properly. If you don’t use it, get rid of it. Life is too short to clog up spaces with things we don’t use.

Under the sink

Old sponges or cleaning supplies can probably go! If possible, condense duplicates and purge. There isn’t a whole lot of space down there to begin with so make sure you utilize the space wisely.

Makeup Drawer

If you don’t use it, lose it! Chances are it’s expired or when you decide to finally use it, you won’t remember you have it or won’t be able to find it. The nail polish you haven’t used in six years needs to go! Expired products need to go! You won’t regret it. There might be some products in this space that don’t belong. Relocate them if it makes sense.

Linen Closet

Holey or grungy towels, sheets that don’t fit, and sad, thread-bare blankets can all go. Something that has helped me is keeping a small number of towels. Towels take up a ton of space. I’m able to do this by doing one load of laundry a day, which sounds like a lot but is actually quite manageable. 


Woohoo! You did it! You are another step closer to a calmer, organized, and more functional home. I’m embarrassed to say that I was able to get an entire trash bag out of one bathroom (and this isn’t my first rodeo). Keep me posted on your progress by commenting or shooting me an email. I love hearing from you! On to the next room!

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