Ten Things That Will Make Your Life Easier

Life can be a challenge and sometimes we make it a little harder than it needs to be. It’s best to establish some habits that will make us more productive with minimal effort. Here are ten things that will make your weekday grind a little less stressful.

  1. Prepare for launch the night before: Your “launch” the next morning will go a lot smoother with some preparation. Make sure school bags are packed, lunches are ready to go, and clothes are laid out. Doing this the night before ensures that nothing will be forgotten and you have plenty of time to do it all. 
  2. Do laundry every day: If you are like me (family of five here), you go through a lot of laundry. Doing one load a night may seem like a lot but it beats the hell out of doing ten loads over the weekend. Commit to finishing the entire load; that means putting it away! Don’t leave it in the dryer. As tempting as that is, you’ll regret it later.
  3. Plan meals: Make sure you know what you want to make and that you have the ingredients to make it. Being prepared to make at least five different meals will make your life just a smidge less stressful. Take it a step further and do this for lunches too. 
  4. Turn off notifications: Cell phones can be a blessing and a curse. Turn off notifications after a certain time so you can unwind and destress without interruption and stop checking emails after 8 pm at the absolute latest. We all deserve a little R&R. 
  5. Give yourself a bedtime: I know you’re an adult and you do what you want but those hours of sleep are valuable. Make sure you go to bed at a decent time and give yourself the recommended seven hours of sleep. Some of us require a little more; you know who you are. Give the body what it wants! 
  6. Unplug before bedtime: Unplug at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Find a calming activity that will help your mind rest. Meditation, journaling, or reading are great alternatives to all those electronic devices. Find what works for you.
  7. Check the weather the night before: Nothing ruins my morning like a surprise snowstorm. Check the weather the night before and if inclement weather is a possibility, wake up 10-15 minutes earlier to give yourself the extra time to commute. 
  8. Plan for projects: Schedule a date and time to complete projects. This way, you can come prepared with supplies and the right mentality. Treat it like an appointment. 
  9. Drink more water: We’ve all heard this one before but it’s true. Most of us aren’t drinking enough water. Water has great power health-wise but it can also have powerful effects like waking our brains up in the morning. Read about some of the benefits of drinking plenty of water here. 
  10. Hobby: Find a hobby that you enjoy doing. Remember that scrolling on your phone is not a hobby. A hobby enhances your life. Studies show that having a hobby reduces certain health risks. Check out this article for more information! Bonus: Pick something you can do with a friend or a group of friends. Consider starting a book club or wine night to celebrate your hobbies together. This will not only give you something fun and exciting to look forward to, but it will also give you the opportunity to reconnect with friends you don’t normally get to see.

Little things can have a huge impact! These simple changes can make difference in how you start your day. Try a few of them out and let me know how it goes!

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